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Название: Home - Yerevan City
Описание: Welcome to Yerevan City. A travel and blog site to provide information about Yerevan, Armenia. Below you will find categories to help with ..
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h1 (5) Welcome to Yerevan City
h2 (18) Brief History of Yerevan, Armenia
h3 (8) Yerevan City, also known as the Pink City due to its pink tufa stone buildings, is the beautiful capital of Armenia. Yerevan is the first largest city in Armenia with a population of nearly 1.1 million. The city being over 2800 years old is also older than Rome. Erebuni fortress, established in 782 B.C., which is now Yerevan was established as an epicenter of religious centers and culture. In 301 A.D., Yerevan and the remainder of the country of Armenia became the first country in the world to adopt Christianity. Presently Yerevan still maintains and practices its historical roots in religion, food, art, and culture.
h4 (1) Come visit one of Armenia’s top historical sites located in Yerevan and learn about the history of the Armenian Genocide.
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