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Результаты анализа сайта “handtmann-ltd.uk”

Изображение сайта: handtmann-ltd.uk front page screenshot
Название: Filling and Portioning Systems
Описание: Handtmann Maschinenfabrik is the world leader in the manufacture of vacuum fillers and portioning systems for the food processing sector. It develops and produces modular systems for the food processing industry that offer the filling, portioning, separating, depositing and forming functions.
Ключевые слова: Inotec, Portioning system, Vacuum filler, Filling technology, Sausage production, Food processing, Dosing, Co-extruding, Sausage automation, Forming, System engineering, Sausage machinery, Meat processing machines, Portioning technology, Linking lines, Cooked meat filler, ConPro system, VF 600, Sausage, AL system, HVF system, HCU software, Inline grinding system technology, Vane cell feed system, Bakery, Dairy, Cheese sausage
Фавикон: handtmann-ltd.uk favicon
h1 (0) Отсутствует
h2 (13) FOOD DESIGN TREND REPORT 2024/2025
h3 (39) Dairy products
h4 (7) Products
Robots.txt http://handtmann-ltd.uk/robots.txt
Карта сайта: http://handtmann-ltd.uk/sitemap.xml
Страница 404: Отсутствует
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SSL сертификат: Отсутствует
WWW переадресация: Отсутствует
Наличие в web.archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/*/handtmann-ltd.uk
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