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Результаты анализа сайта “pikefruit.link”

Изображение сайта: pikefruit.link front page screenshot
Название: Inflorescence | Pikefruit
Описание: Inflorescence by Pikefruit, released 14 May 2021 1. So We Begin 2. Why I Smile 3. Perfect Secrecy 4. Clockwork 5. Lullaby 6. Wish You Were Here 7. Play Your Game 8. Where I Go 9. Tempest 10. Finite Time “Inflorescence is the soundtrack to a dream from which you never want to awaken.” — Cinepunx “The world needs more musical explorers like Pikefruit who break down and reinvent comfy genre tropes. Alex and Nicole proved to be superb artists who trust their instincts and tastes while also wanting to push themselves to try new things.” — Bearded Gentlemen “It’s dreamy and enticing, but not merely that—it’s got challenging sensibilities. Like a quieter late ’80s Cocteau Twins, or Tracy Thorn singing near-silent, silky soundtracks, singer Nicole is a siren; yet she coos over carbonated currents of bubbling mystery from keyboardist Alex, whose sounds come in odd-patterned, wind-swirled flows...” — The Big Takeover
Фавикон: pikefruit.link favicon
h1 (0) Отсутствует
h2 (1) Inflorescence
h3 (12) by Pikefruit
h4 (2) Buy Digital Album   $10 USD  or more
Robots.txt http://pikefruit.link/robots.txt
Карта сайта: http://pikefruit.link/sitemap.xml
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SSL сертификат: до 21 ноября 2024 04:33
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Наличие в web.archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/*/pikefruit.link
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всего 4.11 Мбайт  

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