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Результаты анализа сайта “mindovermatter.africa”

Изображение сайта: mindovermatter.africa front page screenshot
Название: HOME | quantec--africa
Фавикон: mindovermatter.africa favicon
h1 (1) QUANTEC®has properties that no other device has, either by itself or in this combination.The White Noise Diode: Quantec® is the most modern equipment with the greatest experience in using white noise diodes. All other devices on the market work with so-called pseudo random generators, which, as the name suggests, cannot interact with consciousness and morphic fields in the same way as the real generators. There are even scientific studies that show that the results obtained with Quantec® cannot be obtained at all without a White Noise Diode.Twin Photons: In addition to the scalar waves, Quantec® also transmits through a process that is based on the non-locality observed in quantum physics.Automated Radionic Treatment: Quantec®is currently the only device that can actually be proved to radiate target objects. Every therapy appointment is displayed on your screen and demonstrated before your very eyes.Something Special: Quantec® is now available in 13 languages, over 100,000 substances are available, it is the most widely sold computer-aided system in the area of instrumental biocommunication, and it is the first system of its kind to be considered by a German university as worthy of testing in a scientific study. Quantec® is quite simply something special . . .
h2 (5) Open Your Mind
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