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Результаты анализа сайта “tiffanymartschink.agency”

Изображение сайта: tiffanymartschink.agency front page screenshot
Название: The Mettle of Honor | Stories of Grit and Perseverance
Описание: The military did an excellent job of training Americans to become Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and Cadets. Transitioning out is a different story. The Mettle of Honor Podcast provides opportunities to share stories and resources, so all veterans know, "you are not alone."
Ключевые слова: Untold, stories, of, vigor, and, strength
Фавикон: tiffanymartschink.agency favicon
h1 (1) The military provides a sense of purpose with well-defined roles and a hierarchy that is clear. There's camaraderie amongst its members like no other with a mission to be accomplished by its members in their fields of expertise. When service members transition to veteran status joining the rest of the world, the sense of belonging as they know it can be difficult to find. This sense of belonging is not the only thing hard to find. Defining self - who I am outside of a uniform can be even more difficult. My hope is The Mettle of Honor Podcast: Veteran stories of strength, courage, and perseverance can be one of those resources to have in your toolbox. On this podcast, you will hear stories from service members, veterans, and spouses who talk about life outside of the uniform -weather at the end of the day or end of their career. There are also guests who are subject matter experts (SME's) in certain fields or leaders in organizations who focus on the military and veteran communities as well as the first responder community who talk about what it is they provide to help. Please subscribe on your favorite podcast platform to start listening to these stories today.
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